Thursday, October 11, 2007

Plug it In

Yesterday I ironed out a few things and had to make some decisions about "The Event Formally Known as DNOW". Just in case you didn't know, our discipleship weekend in January is called Plug In. A few interesting factoids:

January 25-27
Cost for students - $40
Friday night through Sunday morning
Host homes and NRH campus
Guest speaker (possibly guest band too)

I know that last year and even the year before, this event was a catalyst for some adults to get introduced into the system that is AMPED Leadership and then stay permanently plugged in (no pun intended). I would love for that to continue to be the case. Keep in mind we are looking for 08 to be higher attendance and therefore we need more volunteers from host homes to small group leaders to drivers. So go ahead and put this on your calendar and start getting the word out and also begin praying about it!


Chris Kuykendall said...

I'm thinking Desperation Band....


jennifer waldron said...

It sounds great.I know for me this has been a important weekend to be able to connect with some of my group that i do not know well and dont get a chance to talk to much at youth.It is a great time to connect with your kids and make lasting bonds with the kids,while you are having fun.